Kennisbank Meestgelezen artikelen Nieuwe artikelen: Uw aankopen en updates opnieuw downloaden Categorie: Nederlands Als u uw producten rechtstreeks van de ChrisTrains-website hebt gekocht, kunt u uw eigen downloads opnieuw activeren. Ga naar de link 'mijn downloads' op de help- / ondersteuningspagina van ChrisTrai... 5,143 (1,564) Re-downloading your purchases and updates Categorie: English Re-downloading your purchases and updates If you purchased your products directly from the ChrisTrains website, you can re-activate your own downloads. Go to the 'my downloads' link on the ChrisTra... 3,490 (1,425) "Not correctly licensed" error Categorie: English If you try to drive a train and get a grey error box on the screen with white text telling you that the train is not correctly licensed, the solution is to install the newest version of the train. Thi... 3,111 (1,428) Stadler GTW v3.0.0 -> v3.0.2 patch Categorie: PATCHES This patch updates the v3.0.0 or v3.0.1 Stadler GTW to v3.0.3. You need only use this patch if you have v3.0.0 or v3.0.1 installed. Everything in the patch is already included in the v3.0.2 release. D... 1,534 (0) ChrisTrains and SBB in 2024 Categorie: Kennisbank Nederlands Augustus 2024: Je hebt hier misschien al over gelezen in de TSC-community, maar SBB heeft onlangs alle licentieovereenkomsten met ontwikkelaars van modellen voor alle treinsimulatorspellen ... 2,224 (0) NS DDZ 5.0.0 to 5.0.2 Patch Categorie: PATCHES This patch updates the v5.0.0 or v5.0.1 NS DDZ to v5.0.2. You need only use this patch if you have v5.0.0 or v5.0.1 installed. Everything in the patch is already included in the v5.0.2 release. Deze p... 1,219 (0)