NS ICNG 1.1.0 to 1.1.2 patch
This patch updates previous versions of the NS ICNG to v1.1.2. You need only use this patch if you have v1.1.0 or v1.1.1 installed. Everything in the patch is already included in the v1.1.2 release.
Deze patch werkt eerdere versies van de NS ICNG bij naar v1.1.2. U hoeft deze patch alleen te gebruiken als u v1.1.0 of v1.1.1 hebt geïnstalleerd. Alles in de patch is al opgenomen in de v1.1.2-release.
NS ICNG Patch 1.1.2 (exe) | NS ICNG Patch 1.1.2 (zip)
1.1.2 Patch / Release notes.
- Fixes a white number "2" on the side of one of the wagons
- Adds the four translated versions of Brussels as a scrolling destination sign
- Adds the small NS and NMBS logos next to the passenger doors of the ICNG-B